Thursday, May 24, 2007

Are the Doctor and I the same person?

Ok - since you guys are pushing me, here's the truth about whether Sharikou and I are the same person. We're not - what we are is a genetic experiment by a secret government agency investigating the effects of creating the psychological and intellectual anti-images of a person.

The theory in question here is to test the fundamental nature of human interactions to see whether humans are basically intelligent or you know (psssst - like him) and hence gravitate to a virtual social interaction of like minded organisms. Unfortunately, he's winning as you can see from the number of comments on his web site.

Nooooo!!! - of course we're not the same person. For goodness sake's man - do you think I would be able to retain my sanity if I had to write that drivel and that too with such poor command of language and sentence structure. If I could maintain two such faces for so long old boy, I wouldn't be out here writing this blog. I'd be President somewhere.


Unknown said...

well its definitely good news that you're not Sharikou.
There are already enough AMD FUD generators on the internet. We definitely don't need another one.

Anonymous said...

Um, is there an anonymous row going on about fishes? There have been some fish-related comments lately that haven't made sense. Not being a frequent reader, I'm not sure I follow.

Scotland Bob said...

no need to publish this one, just to let you know I caved and signed up.

180 Sharikou said...

I do appreciate the sign up. Always glad to put a name to no face -:)

The fish thing is linked to this article:

Which I followed up with:

lex said...

Are you jealous of the "Ph"ony "D"octorate?

Only the insane and stupid get laughed at. Especially when they continue to spew totally unlogical garbage.

When you post rational thoughts based on fact that is uncontroversial why would you expect much excitment?

180 Sharikou said...

Nope - I'm not upset that I'm sane. But I did want to make a point that people fundamentally prefer to debate the ridiculous as opposed to the intelligent because it's easier, it's more fun and nobody feels the joy of a well argued point over the other person when all it's about is name calling...regardless of whether one is right or not.

Anonymous said...

"what we are is a genetic experiment by a secret government agency investigating the effects of creating the psychological and intellectual anti-image of one person."

I agree. To achieve this anti-image, looks like the agency used an Intel machine to create you and used an AMD FUD machine to create Sharikou.

Anonymous said...

I think the article should be are the Doctor and Scientia the same person?

Have you read his recent blogs...they are approaching Doctor quality...